יום ראשון, 18 בדצמבר 2011

minus 10 really feels like minus 14

it is Fucking cold outside!
i'm glad i'm under my blanket in a 22.5 degrees warmed apartment.
i walked outside for 10 minuets and it felt like i can break a finger out of my feet!

but maybe i should start from the beginning.
this day was purrrrrr-fect!

it started with a visit to the hair salon. Galit and I bought a coupon and it ended up to be one of the "hotest" hair salons. (after my last coupon purchase dragged me to a random nail place half an hour drive away from the city). new hipster haircut i wouldn't have got in Israel. well, maybe i would, but it's a very Montreal one. the color wasn't that easy to get. could someone please explain me the different between light and bright?! 
after 5 hours i can say i'm happy with the result. 
it might not look as god after a shower, but we'll find out about it in a month or so...

after the haircut we walked up st. Laurent street in a -6 degrees. it is freezing! 
but once you walk in to a place that serves hot onion soup and  you eat it in less then 5 minuets you get warmed up.

the day before Nir took us to a place call the ski garbage. i almost got a full snowboard equipment! or rented it for 250$ with an option to pay 140$ more next year to buy it. good deal, but i'm not sure how many times i'll be going to ski. hope for many, but i still have to buy  more essential stuff, like pants, and goggles, and where the hell i left my gloves i bought last year?!
so i decided to wait on that, but bought a pair of ice skates, or - patin in french.
yes, they have pink on them. but it's more of hockey skates. i love it.
and since i have skates i better go to skate!
i love it! it feels so good. freezing, but good.
by the time we left to the ice rink it was -10!!
it is a really good sport and i found myself sweating here and there. but when you stop moving you can actually freeze! and i had to stop! that's what happen when they decided to have a fireworks show for 15 minuets! 

i can't resist fireworks! 

after a poor try to defrost my feet we walked to a Chinese restaurant just because apparently that's what Jews are doing around Christmas!
after 8-10 cups of tea and 2 pairs of socks i managed to get my feet back to their right temperature.

and as i answered on my 300 Q's test to get this job, i can't finish a day without a drink. so we came back to Burgundy Lion, the right place for a Jew to get a beer in Montreal. they have a decent P.A there. it ain't no Goldstar i tell you, but it's not bed. a short cheer and fun conversation with our Rabbi and we went home.

at that point my accuweather app said it is -10 but really feels like -14. fun.

all in all,  a good day. good everyday. 
i'm starting to really appreciate my life here. there are so many cool things to do. i have good people to do it with and i even feels like i'm doing something meaningful.
it's the job, the weekends, the routine and breaking it.

i even found a place close to work that have good lattes. 
so, i'm smiling.  

יום שני, 12 בדצמבר 2011

Ice skating - not what you were thinking

So, there is something about living in a different country. but actually living here. have a life.
it means having a job, having fun after hours, having friends, walk around, scheduling things, going out, getting a hair cut, discover new aspects of yourself. 
and so much more to it.
today while walking around, going into H&M, ending up buying another pair of boots, i realized it. i have a life here. 
and i'm happy about it.
it can be not as easy sometimes. waiting for a phone call, not having plans or even just finding yourself sitting in front of the computer clicking home --> profile --> home on your facebook account. 
but things like that happen in Israel too. 

things that don't happen in Israel though, are, let's say, going Ice skating and dance on the ice with a cute french guy name Manu, who doesn't speak a word in English but made me smile and giggle like a sixteen years old just because how he pronouns my name.


After a really broken conversation (thank googlegod for google translate) and not a very deep one, i can only say that:
i can imagine why they call it "a french kiss".
what i don't understand, is why he can't speak one work of english?!?
i don't think i'll ever speak to him again, but i did make a seasonal pass to the ice skating rink. so maybe we would meet on the ice again to dance. i could be a Disney on ice princess.

oh, and by the way, in France thet kiss is called a patin - an ice skating shoe. 

יום שלישי, 29 בנובמבר 2011

ten days can sure make a difference

So, i backed (haha) home.
yes, home.
i missed it. missed my routine, missed the job, missed my apartment, missed my friends.

we had the Jewish agency conference. a weekend in a hotel looks like it was the location for shooting "The Shining". the carpets, moldy rooms and everything. or how they will say:  "Here's Johnny" i was still a bit sick, but you know what? if to be sick, be sick while in a hotel with all of your friends taking care of you.

Monday we went to NYC!
what can i say? NY NY, it's a hell of a town!
we started the urban week by going to Philly, which isn't NY but was fun.
i had a lot of insights this week.
what can you do in a week? how much can you plan and how much you leave life to just happen to you?
what are the things that are important to me? what can i give up and just go with the flow?
where do i feel calm? what makes me exited?
can i really listen to me?

for the last one at least i got an answer. i can.
some stuff we planed and went well other stuff we didn't plan and sucked. and the other way around as well.
but eventually, i had an amazing week. i walked around a lot, experienced an american culture, drank Goldstar, spent time with friends from here and then, from there and now, i made new friends, laughed, cried and mainly enjoyed. felt like Alice in Wonderland here and there.

so, my somewhat of understandings from this week:
- i'm going to purchase myself a pair of skates for Ice skating.
- i need a go-to place here in the city. somewhere that will make me feel calm.
- gotta have a purpose. and if you don't have one, go to Luci.
- i love my routine
- i didn't gain weight (not too much)
- i miss my life in Israel but know i'm doing good here
- money comes and money goes (that's not new, but true)
- when in a foreign country, get a local phone
- friends are there for you to use them and be useful to them. when it's real friendship you will never feel used.

and the most important one- SMILE!

יום רביעי, 16 בנובמבר 2011

first time i'm sick

So... obviously i miss home. waking up with stuffy nose, when you can't breath. your mouth is dry, your head pounds. you get dizzy even when you sit down. 
of course the first thing i would want is my mom! 
i miss home made chicken soup. some TLC and just basic attention and love with no conditions.

but there are other things make me miss home. 
the fact that i'm here for 3 months already. the fact that i do kinda starting to feel like home.
i had some visitors here these last few weeks, and walking around with them, showing them "my city", makes me feel like i'v been here long enough to call it mine.

another thing is "my so called life" and those who were in high school in the 90', or know me well enough will understand that...
i miss my friends, the everyday routine, and how easy it is to just call, meet for beer and bitch about everything (or one).
i do really appreciate my friends here. i think i got really lucky, leaving my life behind and still manage to find people i can share my thoughts with and actually care about what they have to say. if they are close by or a phone call away.
but sometimes you just need to talk to someone who knows you for longer than 3 months. even though i talk so much, 3 months will probably be enough.  

for now, i'm trying to keep smiling, as i wish to all.

יום שני, 7 בנובמבר 2011

Home alone 3

So, after 2 weekends in a row of having someone staying over, i'm home alone.
so far i got use to it and found other excuses why i shouldn't be going to the gym. 
then i had guests so i couldn't. 
now i have to think about it all over!
so, today it's that i'm still tired from the weekend.

instead i walked after work to the store where i bought new "winter boots". 
in a second look, they didn't look quite enough for winter.
checking it with the locals they said i was right. 
going back to the store they said i can't get my money back, but just exchange it.
well, next time i should go shopping with a Canadian!

i had such a good time having my friends from home here. each weekend i discovered more sweet spots in the city. going out, drinking and having a blast!!
but now, it's quiet. boring. back to routine. and it is hard! 
i'm finding it harder after they're gone to realize again, i'm far away. for a long time.
keep wanting to have both worlds. knowing it's not possible. 
i hope i get use to life here but at the same time not forget what is it back. and not to be forgotten.

i keep feeling i'm always waiting for the next thing.
next weekend, next conference, next vacation.
but it's not that i suffer at work. 
on the contrary! 
work only get more interesting for me. 
it's not a playground but i'm having fun.
i can also say i'm waiting for the next event, for planning the next thing, to establish my place.
well, someone has sung it before: "nobody said it was easy..."

just had a need to blurb. and to myself as well- keep smiling!

יום שני, 24 באוקטובר 2011

get the pluck out!

So... today i was at my first Hockey game!
felt so Canadian, Drinking Molson beer and watching the Habs playing.
though they did loose. 
so it did felt a bit like Israel. watching Macabbi TA. 
missed Itamar a lot- he's the one usually taking me to games.
the arena name is "Bell center" which is a phone company, just like Nokia stadium. only Bell has at least 30 bathroom stools for the Ladies - and that is just on the area i was sitting in.
buying beer though was approximately the same. i think i paid 25$ for 2 beers and chips. not out chips, lays chips, in a bag kind. not with ketchup.
so, yeah, instead of my original plan of going to the gym after work (cause i didn't wake up early enough today), i drank 2 beers and ate chips. make sense to me.
the atmosphere was great! but i think macabbi game has more ruach (רוח) to them. i just really missed the prgan and actually knowing what's going on. well, some would say i have no idea there either.
all in all it was a great experience, Ben and I had a great time being not Canadians together.

what else is there to tell?
i'v been to TO this weekend. i just love writing this. TO. lol. Toronto.
Israel short cut is not that much fun - IL. boring.
that was a lot if fun. a big city, like a big city should be. i can't wait to go back. Angela- wait for me!
Felix, Maayan and Netta were being tourists with me. always a pleasure.
i'm just spending so much money, as if i'm on a long vacation. but i'm working as well. so i think i can afford it! the most extravagant thing, which as far as i know TA don't have yet, was the Zombie walk. i might import it when i go back.
putting on make up and pouring blood on myself was so much fun!  and the best part is- the worse you look, the better it gets! loving looking ugly!!

oh- and i FOUND myself rain boots. for this season, i'm not sure for how long they could serve me. but just look at them- can i walk by and not get it?! mom- i think it's a first, i didn't call you asking you what you think...

and now, time for bed. lets see if i will wake up for the gym tomorrow.... i am paying for it after all....

יום שלישי, 18 באוקטובר 2011

After the holidays...

This is one of my favorit frases in Hebrew.
"After the holdays" it can be very spesific thinkg and much vage at the same time.
and boy, did i say it alot this holiday period of time...
   after the holidays i'll start working out.
       after the holidays i'll plan some programs.
         after the holidays i'll start bringing food to work and not buy.
            after the holidays...
I can just keep going...
it stands for things i will definatly do after the holidays and for things i am most sertin would never really happen. which one is which? i'm not sure.
in the mean time, the holydays themself are going great!
i'm meeting more students, there are a lot going on at work and in the same time- so many days off it almost feels like no work at all.

i spent the horrible days in california. what made them not so horrible after all ;)
i managed fasting, which wasn't so hard after all since all i had to do is just not eat the plane food. yes, yes, i was flying on yom kipur! but i fasted! so i'm good.

The whole week was a "FestiShira"! my birthweek!! i was tring (and succeeding with a lot of help from einat and aya) to make it feel like home, and even better! doing it Shira style.
San Francisco was amazing. it was raining a bit the first day, but eating clam chouder on the pier kinda made it better. the rest of the trip was sunny. i walked around in Berkeley- amazing campus. and we had a road trip to yosemity!! i was navigating the whole way! the GPS made it easyer, but they don't call me GP-SHIRA for no reason!
well, we did get lost a bit, but found our way eventually.

the hike the next day was intense, but we made it back safe and sound. (i can never understand that frase. safe i get, but what is the sound? i can't hear nothing!)
anyways, i can tell many funny stories, but all i can really say is that it was exactly what i needed. some good friends, good times and good wine.

got it all.

i came back to montreal with a smile on my face, a real one. more relaxed, with energy to keep rolling!
and then, it was actually my birthday. the date. october 17th. the pick of Festishira.
i was expecting it to be really hard, and i did miss all my family - our usuall black october celabration. my friends - our usuall getting wasted celebration.
but it ended up really cool! i went for a short drink, to raise a toast at midnight the night before. the day itself i had signs in the office saying "happy FestiShira" and i got a cake. probebly the best one i had in a long time... and then we had sushi in the suka - sushi making event. and i got another cake! so i blew out the candles twice! i hope i asked two different wishes. i keep forgetting what i wished for the second the candles are off!

so, that was that, and at night i stayed up late to watch live broadcast from Israel. Gilad Shalit was in his way home. couldn't leave the TV until 4am and woke up at 7am to go set up a screening at the hillel. it was emotional, but in the same time, i felt a bit disconected. couldn't not wonder what is it like to be in Israel right now. would i be more saecastic, less caring?
which bring me to my next question, what are my limits? i'm asking questions about Israel, politics, religion, life. do i have an answer? do i have a go to save place? should i have one? how far away will i be from myself after this two years. will it be for better or for worse?
only time will tell.

for now, i'm just trying to exploit my time here. travelling around, visit friends, have friends coming here. this time i will only talk about it after it will happen, so i won't be disappointed.
one thing is for sure- i'm going to enjoy it!

toronto this weekend and then we really are going back to life, back to reality!

יום חמישי, 29 בספטמבר 2011

forgive me my english speakers readers for the first thing

So. i just have to start with a Hebrew thing
גן מאיר
דנה ברגר 

ירח זורח מעל גן מאיר 
אני לא מצליחה להרגיש בבית
צריך להרפות את האחיזה
עוד היום מחר יהפוך לאתמול

ראש השנה בחוץ בפנים הכל שבור לי
איך אני רגילה לברוח מאמת פשוטה
יש אהבה בחוץ בפנים חלון נגמר
תקוות ופחדים אתמול ומחר

צריך לב מברזל צריך עור של פיל
ירח גונח מעל איש צעיר
אלוהים שהכעס לא ישתלט על הלב השביר
שלח לו אור מחמם שלח לי אומץ לשיר

ראש השנה בחוץ...

ירח בוטח מעל גן מאיר
ואני בטוחה שהכל עוד יאיר לי
בחרתי בחופש ללכת ממנו שילמתי מחיר
זאת זכותי להמשיך בדרכי

ראש השנה בחוץ...

Rosh hashana away from home.
just a quick post on how was it.
not as hard as i thought.
the part i missed the most is getting ready for the chag. 
sitting in my parents house porch, peeling pomegranates listening to galgalatz getting really dirty and take a shower before getting all dressed up....

so it wasn't like that, but i did have a good time.
in the morning i was listening to radio on the computer, after tat elyse and i walked around a bit and went back to her apt to get some rest. and at 5:30 we came to the hillel house to get things ready. making salads, cutting apples. and yeah, i even peeled pomegranates!
we worked hard but it ended up being a really nice dinner and people liked it. i liked it!

in the religion part of it, it's very interesting for me. i'm learning a lot. there are some nice traditions. this morning for example we went for lunch and services. there was the Shofar blowing. it is an interesting one, and Ben, our Rabbi is displaying it in such an easy way of understanding what's going on, and what is the reason to do it. i can relate to that. 
also understanding that blowing is a mitzva as well as listening to the shofar... interesting. yeah. or as the announcement before blowing it: תקיעה גדולה.

i do feel weird being far away, not having the option of just pick up a phone on the way home. it might be changed soon. 

it's raining out now, feels like washing away last year. we'll see how יפה ושונה will be this one. in the mean time- as i keep celebrating the n(J)ew year, trying to make this couple of days the way i want my year to look like, i wanna wish you all שנה טובה. ans may you wake up every day with a reason to smile!

יום שני, 26 בספטמבר 2011

This is going to be a long one

I have so much to write!

first- the "Talk Israel" initiative. that went well. not many people but there were some good conversations going on. some students came for the free coffee and bamba. some students came to challenge us. beside that there were two Moslem women with a baby, one Palestinian and one anti-Zionist Jew. 
beside the actual event i think it was a learning process. I met with students, i learned how to plan an event and i actually learned some new words like Vendors.
I'm glad it went well  and now it's over, i can start working! ;)

well, not so soon. first, we had a retreat. another thing i learned the hard way what exactly it means.
it was a good time, i just got to a point in the last morning i can't speak right. English i mean.
if to quote me: "someone made smore's and the light went on..."
yeah, i made smore's!! for those of you who aren't aware of this magnificent wonder- it's a cracker with a chocolate cube and a burned marshmallow on top, topped with another cracker.  they call them "smore's" cause when you eat it, you want to have some more!!

coming back from the retreat made me miss home a little bit. it might be the fact i'v been here for almost two months. it might be the fact we are having so many events i don't have time to create my own life. maybe i just wanted to pour my soul to friends. 
i'm having my moments of crises, feeling alone from time to time. but i'm deciding every day to make it a good day and try finding myself here instead of looking on other places. it is going to be home for a while... 

in the mean time i met with Adam that came from Israel with a delivery from my mom! so nice to get some שקדי מרק before winter, and even though i don't like chocolate that much, the מקופלת was the best thing i ever had! 
we went to see an "Arcade Fire" free concert on the street. i just love this city! they appreciate every day it's not snowing or freezing so every sunny day is a reason to celebrate!

today was the first time i went to the gym. kickboxing kick ass! i love it!
and then i came back and cooked myself a nice dinner : fish and potatoes (my healthy version of fish & chips)
loved it.

my so called life. not too bad.

יום שלישי, 20 בספטמבר 2011

it is very late

you know those nights, you really need to go to sleep, but you just can't.
it's either cause you're too excited, too tired, think too much or too emotional.
this is one of those nights for me.
but all together.
i'm too excited about tomorrows event (big tent)
too tired of running around today, and knowing i'm waking up in 5 hours
thinking too much and not just about tomorrow but about the past as well
and the last thing, well, if an IKEA commercial makes you cry you are too emotional.

maybe i should count sheeps. 
maybe i need a hug.
maybe i just need for this to be over so i can cry/lough/drink.

just remember to breath

יום שבת, 17 בספטמבר 2011

It's been a hard day's night

and i'v been working like a dog - you know how it goes!

what a long long week. an event every day!
i can't even try to rewind this week to begin writing everything we had.
so yeah, i have been busy.

last weekend was a true MTL weekend. finally saw what the Tams are.
basically-  it's a drum circle but it have so much energy going on! next time i'll come with comfortable shoes so i could dance... but i guess next time should be really soon.
it's already getting so cold!! today it was about 15 degrees top. and i can actually quote people say: "it is so nice out"!!

and this week was HECTIC! yes, just learned a new word.
nuts! crazy! busy!
s-o m-u-c-h f-u-n!!!
last night was the peak!
FROSHASHANA! our biggest back to school event.
we were schlepping tons of equipment and a lot of beer. in a matter of fact- 12 boxes of 55 cans and 16 of 60! we were afraid we'll run out of beer.. but how we always say? "אם לא יספיק אז ישאר"
about 700 ppl showed up! and we did run out of beer but we still have left overs. just as we always say.

I'm just realizing how lucky i am to be part of this organization, in this city.
feels right. feels good.
next week is the money time. Talk Israel event. Good luck with that.
I don't want to write too much of my expectations here.
i'll write more after it's over.
for now i can only say, it's a lot to do for a one day event....

tonight i made shabat dinner!
Orange soup to go with my hair.
Chicken and BATATA in the oven to go with my BATATA new look.
and salad so i won't feel so batata...

Oh, and of course a bottle of wine to go with all of that...
no, i didn't have it all alone.
found my Israeli friend. but that's for another post.
maybe he is the blue man. (from a different story)
[if you got it, let me know...]

יום חמישי, 8 בספטמבר 2011

I'm having a small alone crises

So i think i'll go shopping!

I just came back from DC yesterday. That was by far the longest drive i ever did.
But before talking about the ride home... Washington is wonderful!

We rented a bike and saw all the important monument. 
(much funnier with a Romania accent) 

We took so many pics, i felt like such a tourist!  But what a better city to feel like a tourist in?
The next day we went to the zoo. one of those places you just have to go... NOT! but it was so much fun. We walked for about 2-3 hours. I think i was doing more sport activity then i did for the past 8 years!

Saw a Lion, a giraffe and Dragons. Oh, wait, those are the animals we didn't see.
We did see a panda, and even took a pic with. 
Unbelievable but i got an elephant to kiss me!

All the DC shlichim and guest were invited for dinner at Tamara's house. It was so nice to get together with old friends and meet new ones. 
Shaulski and I had an emotional reunion for half of the Hot-Fire room. and finally we met Racheli the fellow in Maryland. (we were both interviewed there, i couldn't not wonder what made them choose her. might be the sport nut she is!) 

Anyways, she is great and invited ll of us to go to the Newseum (the news museum) so as my mom told me- i can't be in DC and not go to a museum. So not only i went to a museum it was an interesting one as well! 

So, yeah, the city is great. we went out to restaurant, coffee shops and bars. So much to do, so little time... at least i got to have pizza in the toaster oven!

I had a bus back to MTL at 7 pm. and here the story really begins.
I took a but from NY that should have got to MTL at 8 am, thinking i'll get there, go home, take a shower and go to work after sleeping through the whole drive.
well as a smart (dead) men said - "Life is what happens to you while you busy making other plans..."

we had to get off the bus in Albany to get it refueled and this lady didn't want to get off. She started cursing the driver and for half an hour the driver told her she is not going to the next stop with him. 
she didn't.
she got her by herself.
she waited for the bus to get there and caught the driver, standing on the stairs not letting the driver close the door. yelling something about she want her ticket back. when the driver tried to move her and her 14 year old (giant) son she freaked out totally, jumped on the driver scratching and hitting him.
at that point the driver couldn't stay polite and jumped right back at her punching and hitting who ever came at him.
and me, as an ex-soldier jumped right out of the bus calming everyone down.
yeah, right. that was so scary i didn't know what to do!
we all just set there, some people called the police.
and then after the driver got rid of that stupid biatch (excuse my language) the police we called stopped the bus and investigate everyone that was on the bus!
How the hell they want me to take that seriously when the all have mustaches?!
Beside the feeling i was in a "Law and Order" episode, i got back at 12! 
So, looking at this view- of ,MTL (!) was such a relief. 
I was so happy to be back where i can't understand what they are saying on the metro. and of course it took me 3 times to understand the announcement is that my metro line isn't working, so i only got home at 1pm. That's 18 hours on the road!
Even in India i was never on the road for so long. Mexico is getting closer to that. 

Coming back here i had to get myself together real quick. There is so much to do!
I'm meeting a lot of students, new and old. There are so many events going on. Our next 2 weeks is so "occupied" I LOVE IT!
But after such a full and wonderful weekend coming back "full gaz" to work isn't so easy.
I starting missing people and getting the blues..
Well, two pairs of shoes did the work. Smile is back on...

יום שישי, 2 בספטמבר 2011

The bus driver name is Mike

again, what's the bus driver name?

That's how my bus drive to DC started.
Well, actually, no. The first thing i did was eating the sandwich i made myself for the ride.
what?! we started driving already....

well, so far, so good.
I took the metro there, went up the stairs, straight into the line to my bus. 
The line was crazy! there are about 10 buses going to NY tonight.
but, i found my window seat next to a not so smelly guy, and set down.
You got to love Greyhound! Nice seats, enough leg room, electricity and INTERNET!
It works most of the time... so i hope it will help me pass the drive.

Driving out of Montreal was really nice. Did you know we are an island?
Yes, an Island!
the city is in the middle of St. Laurent river, going down to the 5 big lakes.
So we crossed a bridge on our way out drove about an hour and now we are on the US border.
Remember the 5 buses i was talking about? 5 of them are ahead of us. not as fun.
Good thing i'm supposed to have 45 min until the bus to Washington...

well, wish me luck and hope that the "real" Americans will let me in the "real" promised land.

Can't wait to get there already!!!

יום שלישי, 30 באוגוסט 2011

A Schlepper and A Schmoozer

First big thing on campus- McGill street fest!

It had a lot of organizing going on the whole day but eventually we had a table you could decorate cupcakes and sign up for Hillel MTL.

parve cupcakes!

and a Kosher BBQ with kosher dogs (hot dogs, not real dogs)!

and in a more personal point of view- i finished my paper (woo hoo needed here)!!!
Now i am free, to walk around, talk around and start having some real good time!
(as if until now i wasn't...)

keep smiling!

יום שישי, 26 באוגוסט 2011

Time is on my side

It's seems like forever in between my posts, maybe cause of all the things happening.
What was happening, i ask myself the same question.
The week was kinda crazy.
Tuesday was a group interview to go on Birthright. I am still not sure why i need to go through an interview. When they asked why i should go, i answered in a  thick Israeli accent- "Because i'm Israeli".
Not really. Lets just say, "i made them an offer they can't refuse..." Just made them realize why i'm accentual for the trip. And I am!
It wasn't that bad, only 3 hours of ice breakers. ;)
I got home with such a headache, it didn't go away for two days.
I did had a headache before that so it might not be the reason... i blame the weather!

The next day we had a "Thank you" event to Hillel board and friends in the house of one of the downers. I can easily think he is the richest Jew in Montreal. ;)
The view was crazy, the food was tasty and the people were all dressed up! even me 

We even got our nails done for the event.
No, not on the Hillel budget.

Yesterday was the CJA campaign lunch.
Basically, starting to ask  people for money.
They did had a nice entertainment. Jason Alexander. AKA George Costanza. or "Cartrait"! if you liked the "Chinese restaurant" episode.
Couldn't resist, went back stage an got a picture with him!

It was too dark for my BB so i got someone else to take it for me in her i-phone 4.
What to do? Eventually, this might be true.

Now, i'm sitting in my house, waiting for the Videotron technician to make the cables and internet work.
This makes me feel just like in Israel.
You should wait for the technician between 12-5 pm.
When he gets here, he doesn't have a router.
I'm calling the office and wait half an hour on line to make sure i won't have to pay for another tech visit.
And after all of this, the VOD isn't working.

Good thing the technician was still here to work it out.
But now it's all working. The problem is now i have something better to do then to write my paper...

יום שני, 22 באוגוסט 2011

And suddenly I realize, this is home for the next few months

I was walking home from work toady, stopped  before crossing the street, looked up and there was a red light. 
I'm not sure why, but it made me think. 
This is my everyday.
I wake up, pick up a coffee to go, go on the metro, walk uphill to the office.
There it's different every day, so i can't call it a routine much.
But i finally met up with students, got some ideas tossed around, got some names of people i'm going to work with, understood how upcoming events are going to look like. I felt like i am working!
But still, i have no idea.
I want to start but i do understand it'll take time.

But, on the more personal point of view, i did had a nice weekend.
Went to an Indian restaurant, which felt just like India, with the "kabat" of federation. 
Went out to some really nice pubs, went by a street fest with shows and vendors. One of the places called "Beertopia" and yes, it is an Utopia for beer. so many tap beer, all self made in that place.
I had a honey beer, which was  really good. 

Yes, i am having fun. 
Looking forward this upcoming year.
and yeah, i'm catching this whole "i'm super excited" culture a little bit.

יום שישי, 19 באוגוסט 2011

Aujourd'hui C'est Vendredi

Demain Samedi

Shabat, far away from home. Feels different. But why?
I had Schnitzels for lunch.
I finished working early.
I tried to Shnatz.
I dressed up.
I had beers with friends.

What is missing?
Oh- yeah, i went to synagogue. Yes, me. 
The pork eating-driving on shabat-not fasting on yom kipur-not "tznua"-and definitely don't know the netilat yadaim prayer. 
I went to synagogue. 
It was actually not that bad. It has a nice atmosphere around, praying together, trying to really understand why we are doing it. And yeah, even mean it seriously  when it says :"עושה שלום במרומיו הוא יעשה שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל ואמרו אמן".

I'm adding a short video of my walk there, just so you can have a feel of my hood.

After the whole prayer thing, there was a meal for young adults. Apparently  i am a young adult. What would you say ;) 
Basically a place to meet people around the ages 20-45 (46 is not young), for people to hang, or just people that doesn't have other place to do shabat dinner. like me!
Yael, from work invited me to go with her, and she is really fun. Kind of my Parisian version of me. 
* Spoiler- bad joke ahead . 
Not Persian, she is not a cat.  
We eat, we drank, we laughed.
I got to practice my French. (i now know the differences between o,u and ou)
and practicing my Schmoozing ability. yup, still got it!

Hopefully tomorrow will be quieter back in Israel. I know from here it looks worse, but i really don't feel like worrying right now ;)
For now- à toute à l'heure! 

יום חמישי, 18 באוגוסט 2011

These feet are made for walking

So maybe it's about time i'll start using them!

Apparently  the city is not that big. I might have to walk around to understand exactly where i am. I'll start tomorrow. I'll come back from work first. I'll do it on Saturday. And so on and so on.
I actually don't feel that bad not doing it yet. It's not like i'm sitting on my ass all day in front of the computer. And then coming home doing the exact same thing. 
Well, actually...
It's true most of the time. But i do get things going. 
More like spending money going... But it is all for a good cause. 
I singed in a gym today, and registered for internet and cable TV! 
I know, they kinda undo each other, but i hope i'll have enough time for both.  
Oh, and i got my first mail to my mail box today! Approved my credit card! 
How exciting, another way i can spend money in.

So- next on my list study french (which i already started- Bonne nuit le bonheur) 
and of course, start things going around campus.

oh, yeah, and finish writing my seminar. anyone wants to write a 15 pages discussion about being a "frayer"?!

יום ראשון, 14 באוגוסט 2011

Feels (almost) like home


Entering MY metro station
First week is over. I'm here exactly for 1 week.
What can i say? i'm having fun! It doesn't feels weird at all.
It was as if i was always here. 
Going on events, taking the metro to work, being ask for directions in french!
It just feels right.
I had an amazing Shabbat dinner at Jeff's parents apt. Lighting candles, Kidush and all.  The atmosphere was relaxing, the company was fun, the food was yummy and I've got leftovers :) 
Today i finished unpacking. Who know i could mange doing it without my mom?!  But everything is in it's place (beside the whole box of winter clothing- no, don't need that yet) i'll get to that when the time's right. 

I think i can get use to this whole living alone thing. It is a bit empty still, but i'll buy some pics and it will look better.
The streets of MTL are good to me. 
The Canadians are friendly as expected. 
It is just beautiful walking outside.
I'll start walking around a bit more soon
so i'll post some more pics.

Eating Shawarma 
Today i went with Elyse, the Torontonian of the office, to "Pride", preforming an Israeli DJ, sponsored by "Ga'ava". 
Felt just like Tel Aviv.
So we had to go eat something rather Israeli...
Note to self - Not to do that again. 
Or as Elyse said: "I now know why i don't go here"  

All and all, i'm loving it here. 
Also, everyone is making it easy for me to like it.
Being connected to my new BlackBerry is helpful as well.
So, find me on BBM or Watsapp! 
Starting imagining i'm seeing some familiar faces on the street...

יום שני, 8 באוגוסט 2011

getting here

So, i'm in Montreal at my new apt.
nothing else to say. i'm overwhelmed and anxious to start my everyday routine.
The apt. is really nice. it has wooden floor, a fake fireplace and a lot of IKEA stuff :) 
By now i got to go to the office and meet almost everyone. they all look really sweet and i already felt like i fit right in. Joke wise.
The city is lovely and the Canadians are nice as they say. The buildings look like Europe but in an American way. Does that make sans?
I went out to buy some groceries, spent 171 Canadian $$ but now i have a lot of stuff. and guess what, they had "Beit Hashita" cucumbers! Hysterical. well, maybe just funny, but i was laughing out load. not that load :)
For now, i'm resting, getting the place cleaned up as i want it to be, which mean not that clean ;) and maybe start writing my seminar...
In the meantime you can enjoy my very tired tour in my APT!
Have fun!

i miss everyone but just enough, not too much...

יום שלישי, 4 בינואר 2011


אני לא יודעת לאן או ממה בדיוק להתחיל אבל  נראה לי שאני פשוט אכתוב.
לעצמי, לעולם ובכלל.
על עצמי, על העולם ועל בכלל.
עשו את זה קודם לפני זה לא משנה..
זה כבר התקדמות בשבילי. אז אפרוש בשיא, או אולי קצת הרבה אחרי.