יום ראשון, 18 בדצמבר 2011

minus 10 really feels like minus 14

it is Fucking cold outside!
i'm glad i'm under my blanket in a 22.5 degrees warmed apartment.
i walked outside for 10 minuets and it felt like i can break a finger out of my feet!

but maybe i should start from the beginning.
this day was purrrrrr-fect!

it started with a visit to the hair salon. Galit and I bought a coupon and it ended up to be one of the "hotest" hair salons. (after my last coupon purchase dragged me to a random nail place half an hour drive away from the city). new hipster haircut i wouldn't have got in Israel. well, maybe i would, but it's a very Montreal one. the color wasn't that easy to get. could someone please explain me the different between light and bright?! 
after 5 hours i can say i'm happy with the result. 
it might not look as god after a shower, but we'll find out about it in a month or so...

after the haircut we walked up st. Laurent street in a -6 degrees. it is freezing! 
but once you walk in to a place that serves hot onion soup and  you eat it in less then 5 minuets you get warmed up.

the day before Nir took us to a place call the ski garbage. i almost got a full snowboard equipment! or rented it for 250$ with an option to pay 140$ more next year to buy it. good deal, but i'm not sure how many times i'll be going to ski. hope for many, but i still have to buy  more essential stuff, like pants, and goggles, and where the hell i left my gloves i bought last year?!
so i decided to wait on that, but bought a pair of ice skates, or - patin in french.
yes, they have pink on them. but it's more of hockey skates. i love it.
and since i have skates i better go to skate!
i love it! it feels so good. freezing, but good.
by the time we left to the ice rink it was -10!!
it is a really good sport and i found myself sweating here and there. but when you stop moving you can actually freeze! and i had to stop! that's what happen when they decided to have a fireworks show for 15 minuets! 

i can't resist fireworks! 

after a poor try to defrost my feet we walked to a Chinese restaurant just because apparently that's what Jews are doing around Christmas!
after 8-10 cups of tea and 2 pairs of socks i managed to get my feet back to their right temperature.

and as i answered on my 300 Q's test to get this job, i can't finish a day without a drink. so we came back to Burgundy Lion, the right place for a Jew to get a beer in Montreal. they have a decent P.A there. it ain't no Goldstar i tell you, but it's not bed. a short cheer and fun conversation with our Rabbi and we went home.

at that point my accuweather app said it is -10 but really feels like -14. fun.

all in all,  a good day. good everyday. 
i'm starting to really appreciate my life here. there are so many cool things to do. i have good people to do it with and i even feels like i'm doing something meaningful.
it's the job, the weekends, the routine and breaking it.

i even found a place close to work that have good lattes. 
so, i'm smiling.  

יום שני, 12 בדצמבר 2011

Ice skating - not what you were thinking

So, there is something about living in a different country. but actually living here. have a life.
it means having a job, having fun after hours, having friends, walk around, scheduling things, going out, getting a hair cut, discover new aspects of yourself. 
and so much more to it.
today while walking around, going into H&M, ending up buying another pair of boots, i realized it. i have a life here. 
and i'm happy about it.
it can be not as easy sometimes. waiting for a phone call, not having plans or even just finding yourself sitting in front of the computer clicking home --> profile --> home on your facebook account. 
but things like that happen in Israel too. 

things that don't happen in Israel though, are, let's say, going Ice skating and dance on the ice with a cute french guy name Manu, who doesn't speak a word in English but made me smile and giggle like a sixteen years old just because how he pronouns my name.


After a really broken conversation (thank googlegod for google translate) and not a very deep one, i can only say that:
i can imagine why they call it "a french kiss".
what i don't understand, is why he can't speak one work of english?!?
i don't think i'll ever speak to him again, but i did make a seasonal pass to the ice skating rink. so maybe we would meet on the ice again to dance. i could be a Disney on ice princess.

oh, and by the way, in France thet kiss is called a patin - an ice skating shoe.