יום שני, 12 בדצמבר 2011

Ice skating - not what you were thinking

So, there is something about living in a different country. but actually living here. have a life.
it means having a job, having fun after hours, having friends, walk around, scheduling things, going out, getting a hair cut, discover new aspects of yourself. 
and so much more to it.
today while walking around, going into H&M, ending up buying another pair of boots, i realized it. i have a life here. 
and i'm happy about it.
it can be not as easy sometimes. waiting for a phone call, not having plans or even just finding yourself sitting in front of the computer clicking home --> profile --> home on your facebook account. 
but things like that happen in Israel too. 

things that don't happen in Israel though, are, let's say, going Ice skating and dance on the ice with a cute french guy name Manu, who doesn't speak a word in English but made me smile and giggle like a sixteen years old just because how he pronouns my name.


After a really broken conversation (thank googlegod for google translate) and not a very deep one, i can only say that:
i can imagine why they call it "a french kiss".
what i don't understand, is why he can't speak one work of english?!?
i don't think i'll ever speak to him again, but i did make a seasonal pass to the ice skating rink. so maybe we would meet on the ice again to dance. i could be a Disney on ice princess.

oh, and by the way, in France thet kiss is called a patin - an ice skating shoe. 

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