יום ראשון, 18 בדצמבר 2011

minus 10 really feels like minus 14

it is Fucking cold outside!
i'm glad i'm under my blanket in a 22.5 degrees warmed apartment.
i walked outside for 10 minuets and it felt like i can break a finger out of my feet!

but maybe i should start from the beginning.
this day was purrrrrr-fect!

it started with a visit to the hair salon. Galit and I bought a coupon and it ended up to be one of the "hotest" hair salons. (after my last coupon purchase dragged me to a random nail place half an hour drive away from the city). new hipster haircut i wouldn't have got in Israel. well, maybe i would, but it's a very Montreal one. the color wasn't that easy to get. could someone please explain me the different between light and bright?! 
after 5 hours i can say i'm happy with the result. 
it might not look as god after a shower, but we'll find out about it in a month or so...

after the haircut we walked up st. Laurent street in a -6 degrees. it is freezing! 
but once you walk in to a place that serves hot onion soup and  you eat it in less then 5 minuets you get warmed up.

the day before Nir took us to a place call the ski garbage. i almost got a full snowboard equipment! or rented it for 250$ with an option to pay 140$ more next year to buy it. good deal, but i'm not sure how many times i'll be going to ski. hope for many, but i still have to buy  more essential stuff, like pants, and goggles, and where the hell i left my gloves i bought last year?!
so i decided to wait on that, but bought a pair of ice skates, or - patin in french.
yes, they have pink on them. but it's more of hockey skates. i love it.
and since i have skates i better go to skate!
i love it! it feels so good. freezing, but good.
by the time we left to the ice rink it was -10!!
it is a really good sport and i found myself sweating here and there. but when you stop moving you can actually freeze! and i had to stop! that's what happen when they decided to have a fireworks show for 15 minuets! 

i can't resist fireworks! 

after a poor try to defrost my feet we walked to a Chinese restaurant just because apparently that's what Jews are doing around Christmas!
after 8-10 cups of tea and 2 pairs of socks i managed to get my feet back to their right temperature.

and as i answered on my 300 Q's test to get this job, i can't finish a day without a drink. so we came back to Burgundy Lion, the right place for a Jew to get a beer in Montreal. they have a decent P.A there. it ain't no Goldstar i tell you, but it's not bed. a short cheer and fun conversation with our Rabbi and we went home.

at that point my accuweather app said it is -10 but really feels like -14. fun.

all in all,  a good day. good everyday. 
i'm starting to really appreciate my life here. there are so many cool things to do. i have good people to do it with and i even feels like i'm doing something meaningful.
it's the job, the weekends, the routine and breaking it.

i even found a place close to work that have good lattes. 
so, i'm smiling.  

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