יום שישי, 19 באוגוסט 2011

Aujourd'hui C'est Vendredi

Demain Samedi

Shabat, far away from home. Feels different. But why?
I had Schnitzels for lunch.
I finished working early.
I tried to Shnatz.
I dressed up.
I had beers with friends.

What is missing?
Oh- yeah, i went to synagogue. Yes, me. 
The pork eating-driving on shabat-not fasting on yom kipur-not "tznua"-and definitely don't know the netilat yadaim prayer. 
I went to synagogue. 
It was actually not that bad. It has a nice atmosphere around, praying together, trying to really understand why we are doing it. And yeah, even mean it seriously  when it says :"עושה שלום במרומיו הוא יעשה שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל ואמרו אמן".

I'm adding a short video of my walk there, just so you can have a feel of my hood.

After the whole prayer thing, there was a meal for young adults. Apparently  i am a young adult. What would you say ;) 
Basically a place to meet people around the ages 20-45 (46 is not young), for people to hang, or just people that doesn't have other place to do shabat dinner. like me!
Yael, from work invited me to go with her, and she is really fun. Kind of my Parisian version of me. 
* Spoiler- bad joke ahead . 
Not Persian, she is not a cat.  
We eat, we drank, we laughed.
I got to practice my French. (i now know the differences between o,u and ou)
and practicing my Schmoozing ability. yup, still got it!

Hopefully tomorrow will be quieter back in Israel. I know from here it looks worse, but i really don't feel like worrying right now ;)
For now- à toute à l'heure! 

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