יום שני, 22 באוגוסט 2011

And suddenly I realize, this is home for the next few months

I was walking home from work toady, stopped  before crossing the street, looked up and there was a red light. 
I'm not sure why, but it made me think. 
This is my everyday.
I wake up, pick up a coffee to go, go on the metro, walk uphill to the office.
There it's different every day, so i can't call it a routine much.
But i finally met up with students, got some ideas tossed around, got some names of people i'm going to work with, understood how upcoming events are going to look like. I felt like i am working!
But still, i have no idea.
I want to start but i do understand it'll take time.

But, on the more personal point of view, i did had a nice weekend.
Went to an Indian restaurant, which felt just like India, with the "kabat" of federation. 
Went out to some really nice pubs, went by a street fest with shows and vendors. One of the places called "Beertopia" and yes, it is an Utopia for beer. so many tap beer, all self made in that place.
I had a honey beer, which was  really good. 

Yes, i am having fun. 
Looking forward this upcoming year.
and yeah, i'm catching this whole "i'm super excited" culture a little bit.

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